Which Board Games Are Particularly Entertaining?

Board Games

In our everyday lives, we are often very busy. Whether family or job, our time is usually scarce. The small pleasures of everyday life are pushed into the background. Yet it is playing that would do us good. Even as adults, we can experience the feeling of happiness when we win by playing. And of course, it is always an opportunity to have a cosy evening with friends. Friendships in adulthood are valuable and, like any relationship, need to be nurtured. A game night is a welcome opportunity and change of pace. We can distract ourselves from everyday life by playing games and simply taking a break. And if friends’ times no time have, one can fall back also on online variants. Casino games are fun online or as a board game variant. Here we present which board games are particularly entertaining.

Roulette Deluxe

This classic game is a board game that is modelled after the game of roulette. One of the players is the croupier and manages the house bank. The ball in the roulette wheel decides who wins and who loses. So roulette is a game of chance, but a little tactic in betting is necessary. 

Come hell or high water

Come hell or high water

The game was published in 2013 by Zoch Verlag. It was designed by Tanja and Sara Engel to mess with the devil by betting. In the middle of the game are the pieces of coal, which have a certain value or a devil’s face. In each round, players bet on how many pieces of coal can be removed from the devil’s furnace without encountering the devil. When you’re about to lose everything, sometimes only a pact with the devil can help you keep playing. In the end, the winner is the one who can collect over 1,600 value points from the original 200. 

Roman poker

This game by David Parlett and Johannes Krenner is published by Amigo and is also available in well-stocked toy stores. The game is easy to understand and is great for social gatherings. Players try to form the highest Roman numerals with the dice. However, the results must form an ascending order on the scorepad at the end. So if you play poker too high, you can fall low. In addition, various action cards make rolling the dice like in ancient Rome even more exciting. In the end, the player with the most points wins.

Las Vegas

This casino game from Ravensburger takes players into the glittering world of Las Vegas casinos. The dice game designed by Rüdiger Dorn is very entertaining and perfect for a game night with friends. The goal of the game is to win as many dollars as possible in the 6 different Las Vegas casinos. However, players can also steal the money they win from each other. This makes the game very interactive and there is even some schadenfreude. The game can be purchased directly from Ravensburger, meanwhile, there is already an expansion.

Big Money

Big Money

With Big Money, the 2 to 5 players can rise from startup founders to millionaire entrepreneurs. In the Ravensburger game by Prospero Hall, it’s always about money; whoever has the most at the end wins the game. Players all start with a startup in one of six different industries, but without any other capital. Yahtzee-like dice rules allow players to invest in new industries or in stocks on the stock market to grow. However, risk cards such as global recession or economic collapse can ruin everything. The player with the most cash wins in the end. The game is available from Ravensburger as well as from well-stocked retailers.


Meanwhile, there are such versatile games that no game night is guaranteed to be boring. Unlike a visit to the casino at home, thrill fans don’t have to adhere to any dress code. You can organize your time according to your ideas and are not bound to opening hours. Whether as a board game or online, you can enjoy casino games with your friends, or even as a couple, according to your wishes.

Trying something new challenges and encourages us, even as adults. Role-playing games allow us to see things differently, and Escape Games allow us to look for alternative solutions. Games allow us to explore our complex environment with curiosity and can help us find and discover new solutions. This can also help us in our professional lives, for example, to look for alternatives and other perspectives.

Such evenings also always create moments and memories with our friends and the people who are important to us. And when you order food, no one has to stand at the stove and make big preparations either. So, what are you waiting for?

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