Toxic Relationship

A relationship can be so beautiful – but it can also be the complete opposite. Sometimes we end up with people who are absolutely no good for us. Toxic relationships are more common than you might think and can often have serious consequences. Affected people go through a bad time and feel drained. How to recognize them from the outside, how to help yourself or other people to get out of a toxic relationship, and what else there is to know, you can read here.


At first, the relationship seems beautiful, and full of affection. You are showered with love, the so-called love bombing. But at some point, the situation tips over. The relationship is then characterized by the narcissistic and belittling behaviour of the partner.

Problematic behaviour in toxic relationships includes constant blaming and criticism, intransigence in conflicts, or even lying and manipulation. Jealousy, resentment or inconsiderate may occur. Narcissistic partners almost never apologize for mistakes, but always expect this from their counterparts. As soon as you point out a narcissist’s shortcomings, he or she flips out and starts attacking you.  He or she can ignore you; instead of speaking about problems a narcissistic partner can do other things, play Mason Slots Canada casino or even leave home for a short period of time. He or she does this because self-esteem is very low in people with narcissistic personality traits, and the slightest criticism causes them to feel threatened in their position of power.

A toxic relationship can also take forms such as gaslighting. He or she draws energy and attention from it but lacks empathy in return. His or her behaviour puts emotional pressure on you. Often, this also causes you to cut yourself off from friends or family.


As bad as a toxic relationship is for the non-narcissistic part, those affected usually still find it very difficult to end it. Sometimes they even return to their partner after some time.  Here are some tips on how to end a toxic relationship for good and gain more self-esteem in the process:

1. Take time out: Deliberately take time out alone and closely observe how you are doing without your partner.

2. See loneliness as an opportunity: Don’t be afraid of being alone. You will grow from loneliness and discover completely new strengths in yourself.

3. Seek professional help or ask your friends to help you. However, realize that something negative may be said about your partner. Don’t try to defend him or her right away, but listen to the criticism calmly and objectively.

4. Recognize truth: Realize that your partner is primarily concerned with his or her own well-being and that his or her behaviour is not characterized by love or concern, but by narcissistic traits.

It is important to learn to value yourself again after such a relationship again. You can never be sure if such a situation will happen again. But if the relationship has been worked through and you have learned from your own mistakes, you have already taken an important step.

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